Costs and Benefits of Industrial Robot Arm Deployment | Robotic arm in India

Today’s industrial robots work in a wide range of industries, from semiconductors and automobiles to plastics processing and metal forging. Pretty much any repetitive operation is a great job for a robot, particularly if it’s dangerous or difficult for people. Robots have been used for high-volume operations, but as the technology advances and costs declines, more options and opportunities are opening for medium- and small-sized operations. At the same time, these robots are helping manufacturers address many of the key challenges they face, including tight labor pools, global market competitiveness and safety. We solve different problems in the robotics industry by applying our science-based teams intellectual capabilities as we are a part of Robotic solutions in Delhi. Applying our experience in a wide spectrum of methods including Servo planetary, Strainwave gearbox, Six axis collaborative, Pic & place gantry robots etc. (Robotic arm in India)


If you're curious whether robots can enhance your value stream, here are the main pros and cons to consider: 


Advantages of industrial robots:

  1.  Better quality and consistency: Along with other tech — such as the industrial internet of things (IIoT) or 3D printing robots — industrial robots are able to provide better production quality and more precise and reliable processes. Added benefits also include reduced cycle times and real-time monitoring to improve preventive maintenance practices.
  2. Maximum productivity and throughput: An industrial robot increases speed for manufacturing processes, in part by operating 24/7. Robots don’t need breaks or shift changes, for example. The speed and dependability of robots ultimately reduces cycle time and maximizes throughput.
  3. Greater safety: Using robots for repetitive tasks means fewer risks of injury for workers, especially when manufacturing has to take place under hostile conditions. In addition, supervisors can oversee the process online or from a remote location.
  4. Reduced direct labor costs: The cost of having a person handle many manufacturing operations is often more expensive than robots. This can also free up workers so their skills and expertise can be used in other business areas such as engineering, programming and maintenance.
  5. Keeping manufacturing in the U.S.: Some argue that robots are taking jobs away from U.S. workers, but that's not necessarily the case. Industrial robots there are typically integrated into a series of operations that require human expertise. For example, you could have a robot welding parts that are handed off to a person to perform a task that requires a human's intuitive "if, then" thinking.


How is the price of a robot determined: Payload capacity often determines the price of a robot. The more the robot can handle, the more engineering went into its design. As a rule of thumb : the bigger it is, the more expensive it becomes. However, complexity and versatility also factor heavily into the price. Through how many axes does the robot operate? How many degrees of freedom does the arm have? A 6-axis robot may be more expensive than a 4-axis, but if you’re in the business of packaging, for example, a 4-axis robot is likely sufficient.


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