Advantages of Cartesian robot | Cartesian robot in delhi


A Cartesian robot is a specific type of industrial robot that moves on three orthogonal (perpendicular) axes — X, Y, and Z. These three axes are at the right angles to one another and perform coordinated motions through a single motion controller. Precimotion is the best Cartesian robot supplier in India. All products (Servo planetary, Strainwave gearboxes, Six axis collaborative, Pick & place gantry robots) of Edgemotion share some common traits and characteristics: customer-centric product design, innovation and cost-effectiveness, backed by robust after sales service support. Manufacturing company in delhi 


They operate on cartesian coordinates, which are rectilinear two- or three-dimensional coordinates. While these axes limit the robot to straight line motion in several directions, it is common for the third axis to be a rotary axis (such as a tooling arm on a CNC router). 

The Benefits of Using Cartesian Robots: Why do many industrial applications call for cartesian robots? Machine designers tend to implement them for several reasons: 

  • Their rigid structure and straight-line movement allow them to move heavy payloads. 
  • Multiple robots can be controlled with a single controller by eliminating the need for PLC solutions or IO between multiple controllers. 
  • They allow for long strokes of approximately 2 meters, allowing them to move heavy loads over long distances. 
  • Their movements and the functions are highly accurate and repeatable. 
  • Their fast movement speed and acceleration reduce the cycle times. 
  • Dual arms and the ability to set the two units on the Z axis reduce installation space. 
  • Can be constructed using nearly any type of linear actuator in conjunction with any variety of the drive mechanisms (including belt, ball or lead screw, pneumatic actuator, or linear motor). 

Applications: Cartesian robots are both suitable and ideal for a large number of industrial automation applications. They are ideal for applications like: 

  • Pick and place 
  • Material handling 
  • Loading and unloading 
  • CNC machine tooling 
  • Packaging automation 
  • Palletizing and depalletizing 
  • Storing and retrieving 
  • Product placement 
  • Cutting, scribing and sorting 
  • Process-to-process transferring 
  • Dispensing agents 
  • Precision spot welding 
  • Part assembly 
  • Stacking 

How they differ from Gantry robots and SCARA robots: Not all robots that operate on X-Y-Z axes are cartesian robots. Gantry robots, for example, incorporate two X axes into the configuration. Gantry robots have two X axes with a single Y axis spanning them. This configuration has two solid benefits over that of cartesian robot:  

  1. Longer strokes (can carry loads longer distances)
  2. The ability to carry heavier payloads 


SCARA stands for selective compliance assembly (or articulated) robot arm. These 6-axis robots have a circular work envelope that offers more flexibility than the cartesian robot and they move better on a horizontal plane. However, this circular work envelope ends up using much more space than the rectangular envelope of cartesian robots. Cartesian robots are also much more precise in their movements and provide better repeatability. They are also easier to program. The ideal applications for each type of robot can be summed up as: 

  • Cartesian: Where speed and precision is needed, with controlled movements on a straight line. It is Ideal for limited space applications and those with heavy payloads. 
  • Gantry: Same as cartesian but can be used for applications with much larger payloads. They are overkill and can result in larger expenses if their payload can be handled by a cartesian robot. 
  • SCARA: Where flexibility in positioning is needed. They are also more ideal for the underwater and harsh environments as cartesian robots require special coverings.


For more details, click here: Cartesian robot in delhi


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